qconf -sq all.q
Then change the number after "hostname=" to appropriate value
qconf -sq all.q
C:\GT4\bin>grid-cert-request -service host -host localhost -caEmail ca@hpcnc.cpe
.ku.ac.th -orgBaseDN "ou=ThaiGrid,o=Grid" -dir C:\GT4\etc\grid-security
C:\GT4\bin>grid-proxy-init -hours 2000 -cert C:\GT4\etc\grid-security\hostcert.p
em -key C:\GT4\etc\grid-security\hostkey.pem -out C:\GT4\etc\grid-security\hostp
Your identity: O=Grid,OU=ThaiGrid,CN=host/localhost
Creating proxy, please wait...
Proxy verify OK
Your proxy is valid until Wed Jul 25 01:37:18 ICT 2007
Warning: Please check file permissions for your proxy file.
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe mpich 4
/opt/mpich/intel/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines /share/apps/amber9/exe/sander.MPI -O -i min1.in -o min1.out -p 1jso.top -r 1jso_min1.rst -c 1jso.crd -ref 1jso.crd